The National Wildlife Federation

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National Wildlife Federation Voters’ Guide

You matter. Your vote matters.

Legislators make decisions every day that can help (or harm) the places where wildlife and people live. As a voter, you have the power to help choose those legislators.

Your vote does make a difference. The future for wildlife and communities hang in the balance during each election. Your vote affects how wildlife habitats and public lands are protected and how to combat climate change and how to ensure access to clean air and water.

black bear cub on a limb. text: pledge to vote. Photo credit Tony Pecoraro

Legislators know the power you wield as a voter. From the presidential race to local elections, your vote can decide who is in or out. It’s why the National Wildlife Federation supports civic participation and fair elections–so that you may flex your power to vote for issues that may matter to you like wildlife conservation and environmental protections.

Make sure your voice is heard by pledging to vote this year!


Get ready for this year's elections by double-checking your voting information, previewing your ballot, or registering to become a poll worker!

eagle soaring over lake with mountains in background. photo: Lori Rothstein

Register To Vote Today! If you are not registered to vote, please use this form by to register in your state.

cub leaning against tree trunk. Credit Dave-Shaffer

Verify Your Voting Status - Many states have changed their voting laws, precincts, and location in the past two years. Double-check your voting information by filling out this form.

buck looking back at the camera

Become a Poll Worker - Poll workers are vital to the voting process to ensure poll locations run smoothly and every vote is counted, but many places are facing a huge shortage of poll workers this year. Power to the Polls will help you sign-up to become a poll worker in your state.

great horned owl. credit Wink Gaines

Preview Your Ballot - View the candidates and issues on your ballot this fall using Ballotpedia’s preview tool.

red fox kit. credit: William Wiley

Early Voting Information - Interested in early voting? Check this page on to see when (or if) it is available in your state.


It is up to all of us to stand up for the natural places, wildlife and communities we cherish. Research the candidates on your ballot, and find out their proposed solutions to the modern conservation and environmental challenges that our communities and country are facing.

Regardless of their party, we need state and federal champions who will:

A healthy democracy depends on the engagement of its citizens—pledge to vote this fall. Each ballot cast in an election can have a lasting impact on wildlife, the environment and our communities.

Whether you cast your ballot by mail, election drop box, or in person, your vote will help decide who guides us in addressing the conservation and environmental challenges our country faces. Be sure to update or check your voting information, and vote this fall!

NWF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. As such, NWF is nonpartisan and does not coordinate with, support, or oppose any candidates for public office or political party.

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Where We Work

More than one-third of U.S. fish and wildlife species are at risk of extinction in the coming decades. We're on the ground in seven regions across the country, collaborating with 52 state and territory affiliates to reverse the crisis and ensure wildlife thrive.

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