The National Wildlife Federation

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Subscribe to the National Wildlife Federation's award-winning magazines. With publications for toddlers to adults, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Subscribe to Ranger Rick Magazines!

Ranger Rick Cub™

(Ages 0—4)
Ranger Rick Cub thrills the littlest learners, ages 0 to 4, with amazing photos, stories, rhymes, and games featuring their favorite adorable young animals.

Also available in digital format


Subscribe to Ranger Rick Magazines!

Ranger Rick Jr.™

(Ages 4–7)
Designed specially for kids ages 4 to 7, Ranger Rick Jr. is filled with fun, age-appropriate animal facts, stories, and photos; ideas for outdoor fun; plus lots of games, crafts, and recipes. 

Also available in digital format


Subscribe to Ranger Rick Magazines!

Ranger Rick®

(Ages 7+)
Designed for kids ages 7 and up, Ranger Rick is packed with awesome animal facts, stories, photos, comic adventures, and amazing nature discoveries to share with friends and use in school assignments.

Also available in digital format


Subscribe to National Wildlife Magazine

Ranger Rick Zoobooks®

(All Ages)
Feed your kids' natural curiosity about everything "animals" with exciting titles for all ages! Titles include Zoobies (ages 0–3), Zootles (ages 3–6), and Zoobooks (6 and up).

Digital editions included


Subscribe to National Wildlife Magazine

National Wildlife®

National Wildlife magazine is the National Wildlife Federation's flagship publication, an award-winning blend of in-depth articles and spectacular photographs about wildlife, wild lands, and the people working to ensure their protection.

Also available in digital format


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Where We Work

More than one-third of U.S. fish and wildlife species are at risk of extinction in the coming decades. We're on the ground in seven regions across the country, collaborating with 52 state and territory affiliates to reverse the crisis and ensure wildlife thrive.

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Regional Centers and Affiliates